NZ Masters Games Netball Competition 2024

The Games

The New Zealand Masters Games is the largest multi-sport event in New Zealand. Every second year it is held in Dunedin, and 2024 is the year it returns to our city. The 2024 Otago Community Trust New Zealand Masters Games will be held in Ōtepoti Dunedin from the 3rd to the 11th of February 2024.

The games has opening and closing ceremonies, and an incredibly entertaining games village.


In our sport netball, we pride ourselves on offering sections to fit all, from open competitive to social grades there is an option for you. If you don't have a team but would like to join one, we also have teams requiring a couple more players.

This is your chance to compete with your friends, make new friends and memories, and compete to claim a bronze, silver or gold NATIONAL medal!

Netball will be played at the Edgar Centre, 116 Portsmouth Drive, Sunday 4 -Tuesday 6 February 2024. Games will commence late morning on Sunday, and will finish early afternoon on Tuesday.

Entries are NOW OPEN: click here to enter.

Entries Close: New Teams: Friday 12 January 2024. Players: Friday 26 January 2024

Fees: $60.00 per person Masters Games Entry Fee (Early Bird Entry before 30 November 2023 is $70, Standard Entry between 1 December 2023 and 11 January 2024 $100, Final Entry from 12 January 2024 $130).

Minimum Age: 26 women & men as at first day of competition

Events: Women Open Competitive: 26+

              Women Social Competitive: 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45+

              Women Social: 30-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55+

              Mixed: 26+

              Men: 26+


• A player can only enter one team.

• Organisers reserve the right to re-grade teams and/or merge groups. 

• Open Competitive, Mixed and Men's is open to all age groups 26 plus. 

• Social Competitive is open to all teams 30 plus. Teams who have any current and regular players must enter this grade. 

• Social is open to all social and non-players 30 plus.

• Teams may apply to have an age dispensation for one player per team, up to 12 months younger than the age group entered. 

• Each team must provide a non-playing umpire. A $450 fine will be charged to teams that fail to provide a non-playing umpire, payable at the start of the competition. Umpires will umpire their own team games.

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