To all Dunedin Netball members
At this time New Zealand remains in Alert Level 4 until at least 11.59pm Friday 27 August. Dependent on further government announcements and updates in Alert Levels we have made the following decisions for our Dunedin Netball competitions and programmes.
As of Tuesday 24 August please be advised of the following changes to our Dunedin Netball competitions and programmes:
These competitions and programmes have been cancelled and there will be no rescheduled or postponement dates. To ensure clarity this means:
It is our intention to try and offer finals for teams in our Premier, Senior and Secondary Schools competitions. This will be dependent on Alert Levels and also the cancellation of major events at the Edgar Centre previously scheduled on this day. More information will follow after further government announcements and an update to members will be made on or before Monday 6 September with more details including draws.
This plan is now the only option available to us, that means if alert levels or the rules of playing under alert levels change, or courts become unavailable on this date, finals will unfortunately not be played this season.
Updates to come:
We are doing our best to work around all of the unknowns everyone is experiencing at this time.
We will continue to keep you updated as and when we know more.
Article added: Tuesday 24 August 2021